Monday, 4 July 2011

Social Media - Evolution or Revolution? by Ralph Paglia

Back in the mid-90s, I joined in on what we called the wild, wild web. And it was wild. There were no rules, no major search engines, and most of all, no experts to tell us how to do things. We were free to experiment… and we did. It was a time when one creative soul could fashion an Internet strategy and create an Internet department. And all that time, there were those who said it was a waste of time and you couldn’t make money using the Internet.

In 1998 I put web and car sales together and began a career that has lasted to today. By that time, eCommerce was beginning to turn into a revolution. The early adopters were making hay and leading the way. We believed that Automotive Internet Sales was the future. And as that became more evident, others began to follow. When it became overwhelmingly dominant, the resisters and nay-sayers gave up and came on board with the help of new “Internet Trainers, Gurus, and Experts”.

The Revolution had become Evolution. And so it is today… or is it?

With Social Media and Mobile, I’m beginning to feel “Déjà vu all over again”. I’m seeing creative types experimenting and creating new paradigms. I’m seeing great success and failures. I’m hearing questions like, “Who or where are the experts”? I’m seeing self-proclaimed Gurus.

And I’m hearing the resisters and nay-sayers chanting ”Show me the ROI”. They want to know why they don’t get fans on Facebook when they put their inventory there and tell people how good their dealership is. They want Social Media to be a sales floor.

I’m feeling another Revolution coming on. I’m breathing the air of the wild, wild Social web! I’m enjoying that new rush of creativity and excitement. Do you feel it? Do you agree with the comparison? Let me know your thoughts…

1 comment:

  1. Everyone talks about how social media isn't the place for selling. The interaction and relating to your customers is important. I look at social media no differently than I do a radio or television commercial.

    social media for churches
